I 35 Southern Bell County

Contract Value: $81,729,464

Key Facts
Location: Bell County
Contractor: J.D. Abrams, Austin
Owner: Texas Department of Transportation
Start Date: Nov. 2006
Completion Date: Fall 2009

This interstate 35 project will widen and reconstruct 7.4 miles of roadway through a rural stretch of Bell County. Crews will create an additional lane in each direction totaling three on each side, with a shoulder for future expansion. Two mainline bridges and two underpasses will also be built. To expedite bridge work and reduce traffic interruptions, precast concrete beams and slab are being used rather than traditional forms. The roadway is concrete paving, which proved to be the cheaper option during bidding. Two-way frontage roads will be converted to one-way roads and new ramps will be built. TxDOT is still carrying out right of way acquisition on some stretches of the project.