ACIG Scholarship Opportunities

Shirley and Bill McIntyre have established four (4) undergraduate scholarships with the AGC Education and Research Foundation in recognition and appreciation of the success of the ACIG Group and as a way to pay some construction industry dues.


We have requested that these scholarships be made available on a priority basis to employees and children of employees of ACIG and its shareholders who are pursuing a degree in construction management.


Applications may be obtained through the AGC website at AGC Scholarship Application starting on July 1st.  In order to be given special consideration for our scholarship, please have your applicant follow these instructions:


1.       List affiliation with ACIG under Activities, Employment or Additional Information.  

2.       Include your company’s name in the appropriate blank in Section VI (the Additional Information tab) under the request to “List any members of your immediate family presently employed in the construction industry.”

3.       List affiliation with ACIG in the Additional Comment block at the bottom of the section mentioned in 2. above.


All of these steps will help to identify your applicant as a priority candidateIn addition, if you wish to contact Foundation Director Melinda Patrician with questions about your application or to ensure that she knows that you are affiliated with ACIG, you may reach her at or 703-837-5342.


Please be aware that the application deadline is November 1.  Applications must be completed and submitted to the AGC online as instructed on the Undergraduate Criteria page.  All scholarship finalists are notified by email in February. Recipients are selected upon completion of a personal interview with an AGC contractor in your area.  If your applicant is awarded a scholarship, he/she will be notified in March and awards will be received prior to the September 2015 semester.